CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 21
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 21 (1998)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1998-04].iso
Install Tag-o-Miga
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Text File
236 lines
; Version history
; 0.4beta
; Was copying TMiga instead of TMigaPre
; Updated for TMiga's new command line
; Now backs up existing Ed_Tag file
; 0.6
; Substantial changes to Tag-o-Miga. Therefore substantial changes
; here!
; 0.62
; Installs bgui.library
; Replaced %s with @F
; Copies icons (whoops!)
; 0.63
; Makes directories in ENV[ARC]:
; 1.0alpha1
; Copies documentation to chosen destination. Filenames changed.
; 1.1.334
; Fixed CygnusEd command line
; Updated for new make_config that detects/updates old
; installations
; Removed BGUI
(set dirname
(prompt "Select the directory where you want Tag-o-Miga to be "
"placed. A directory called TMiga will be created "
(help @askdir-help)
(default "MAIL:")
(set @default-dest (tackon dirname "Tag-o-Miga"))
(makedir @default-dest
(prompt "Making Tag-o-Miga directory...")
(help @makedir-help)
(set prefstool
(prompt "Where do you want the preferences tool installed?")
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices "Tag-o-Miga's directory" "SYS:Prefs directory" "Somewhere else")
(select prefstool
( ;0 = Tag-o-Miga's directory
(set prefsdir @default-dest)
( ;1 = SYS:Prefs
(set prefsdir "SYS:Prefs")
( ;2 = somewhere else
(set prefsdir
(prompt "Select the directory where you want Tag-o-Miga's "
"preferences tool to be placed. A directory will "
"NOT be created.")
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
(set docs
(prompt "Where do you want the documentation installed?")
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices "Tag-o-Miga's directory" "HELP: directory" "Somewhere else" "Don't install documentation")
(select docs
( ;0 = Tag-o-Miga's directory
(set docsdir @default-dest)
( ;1 = HELP:
(set docsdir "HELP:")
( ;2 = somewhere else
(set docsdir
(prompt "Select the directory where you want "
"Tag-o-Miga's documentation to be placed. A "
"directory will NOT be created.")
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
( ;3 = don't install
(set docsdir "")
(prompt "Copying Tag-o-Miga...")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Tag-o-Miga")
(dest @default-dest)
(prompt "Copying Tag-o-Miga Preferences...")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Tag-o-Miga-Prefs")
(dest prefsdir)
(if (< docs 2)
(prompt "Copying documentation...")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Tag-o-Miga.guide")
(dest docsdir)
(prompt "Copying sample tagline file...")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Taglines.txt")
(dest @default-dest)
; (prompt "Copying BGUI library...")
; (help @copylib-help)
; (source "bgui.library")
; (dest "LIBS:")
(working "Searching for old versions...")
(set configtest
("make_config test")
(select configtest
( ;0 = no config file
(message "No configuration file found. Creating new "
"configuration file.")
( ;1 = invalid config file
(message "Invalid configuration file found. Creating "
"new configuration file.")
( ;2 = 1.0 config file
(message "Found configuration file for Tag-o-Miga 1.0. "
"Converting to new file format.")
( ;3 = 1.1 config file
(message "Found configuration file for Tag-o-Miga 1.1. "
"Preserving original file format.")
(if (< (exists "ENV:Tag-o-Miga") 2)
(makedir "ENV:Tag-o-Miga"
(prompt "Creating configuration drawer...")
(help @makedir-help)
(if (< (exists "ENVARC:Tag-o-Miga") 2)
(makedir "ENVARC:Tag-o-Miga"
(prompt "Creating configuration drawer...")
(help @makedir-help)
(if (< configtest 2) (
(set editor
(prompt "Which text editor do you use?")
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices "Commodore ED" "Commodore MEmacs" "GoldED" "CygnusEd" "other")
(select editor
( ;0 = Commodore ED
(set editstring "C:Ed @F")
( ;1 = Commodore MEmacs
(set editstring "SYS:Tools/MEmacs @F")
( ;2 = GoldED
(set editstring "GoldED:ED @F STICKY")
( ;3 = CygnusEd
(set editstring "C:Ed @F -keepio")
( ;4 = other
(set editstring
(prompt "Enter the command to start your editor")
(help @askstring-help)
(default "C:Ed %s")
(if (AND (>= @user-level 2) (<> editor 4)) (
(set newstring
(prompt "The editor command is believed to be as shown below. "
"If this is incorrect please correct it.")
(help @askstring-help)
(default editstring)
(set editstring newstring)
(working "Generating configuration file...")
(run ("make_config \"%s\" \"%s\"" @default-dest editstring))
(if (= configtest 2) (
(working "Converting old configuration file...")
(run ("make_config update"))
"Installation has been completed. You must now modify your message "
"editor's configuration as described in the user guide."